13 August 2011

30 Days of Truth: Day 6

Day 6: Something I hope I never have to do

...bury my husband

Steven & I have talked about this issue before. Both of us hopes to die before the other one does. It's a toss up as to who it will be. Sometimes, I wish it could be like in the movie "The Notebook", where two people die holding hands, together. Wouldn't that be nice?

Ya, it would for me. I've only had to be away from him for several days at a time, and it is a bit lonely. We both admit that it is fun for the first day or two...getting to do what we want and all, without worrying that the other person is coming home/getting up soon. But, after the 2nd day, it gets lonely.

I can't imagine waiting to die...just so you can return to live with your spouse. My mom & I were just talking about this the other day over lunch. She thinks her mother just "gave up". She was ready to reunite with her husband who'd passed away a few years before. So she just quit eating. Sad. It's strange what loneliness will do to you.

1 comment:

Mrs. Boojwa said...

I hear you sister. This becomes more real to me as I prepare to send him to Afghanistan. When we heard news of those 31 soldiers getting shot down and dying, I really had my concerns about sending him off. But he says not to worry. But how do I not?!