27 August 2011

30 Days of Truth: Day 12

Day 11: Something you never get compliments on

Well...I can't say "never", but they are few & far between: going the "extra mile" at work. I guess it's one of things that parents also wish us teachers would do more....send home NICE compliments about our kids, instead of only issues with your child. I mean, I don't do extra things so that someone would give me a prize. Most of the time, I do it just for me...so I can feel organized, so I can be sane. So I am not stressed. So I can have fun with my students on occasion.

Here's what I am talking about:

- getting to work 1 hour early (instead of 15 min)

- staying later at work (instead of 15 min)

- showing up for after school bus duty (some show up...some "forget"...some just don't think they have to do anything b/c of budget cuts....whatever...we all have to do our part)

- offering tutoring (let's face it...if a kid needs help, I am willing to stay after ANYTIME when I can...and the only reason I wouldn't is if I had a dr. appointment, if I was sick, or something like that)

- not taking ALL of my personal days (most of the time I only take 1...maybe!!!) I hate missing work...it's like triple duty when you get back. Sub didn't do THIS. Students behaved like THAT. Homework wasn't done CORRECTLY. He said...She said. Whatever...you might as well let the kids "hang out" all hour in your room...b/c you can for-GET anything actually getting accomplished when a teacher is absent...kids are WILD!

- wearing teacher clothing- sounds funny, but there are teachers these days wearing Old Navy flip-flops, shorts, low-cut halters, high heels w/ SHORT SHORT skirts, LOTS of make-up, too much perfume....you think it couldn't be worn, & I've probably SEEN it worn. Like this one math teacher (not at my school...but a few years ago, I taught w/ her) she had more than 20 piercings....nose rings (yes...plural), rings all up and down her ear lobes, both brows, lip, tongue, belly button (and yes...you could see it thru the shirt on occasion), and cheeks. G-R-O-S-S. Definitely not a "good" role model in my opinion for 13-14 year olds. But that is my opinion.

Anyway...these are just a few that pop into my head. When I look at others who take "mental" or "emotional" sick days, I wish I could do that. I look at others with crazy clothes/styles and think...that's professional? I come to school, leave from school, go in, go out, no real complaints from parents about my performance (or lack of), not many office referrals written, I don't ask too much, I don't complain often....I mean, I wish someone would just notice once in a while.

Is that too much to ask?

a thank you?

a "well done"?

a pat on the back?

...if only.


Mrs. Boojwa said...

I was just telling Ty last night, "Its too bad teachers don't get tipped...." because I think that the good teachers would get what they deserved and the teachers who suck would have motivation to do better. But I know that is kind of a joke.

Julina said...

re: the professional dress, I see the same thing (well, not the piercings) @ the school I student teach at. And can't bring myself to do it... :-)

But even though it's not quite the same, I'm complimenting you for being the kind of teacher I would like to be. So "Thank you". And "Well Done"... but you're gonna have to get the pat on the back by proxy from my brother ;-)