20 January 2008


American Idol is the ONLY show I actually plan my schedule around. I know it sounds crazy, but it is true. I started watching it during the 3rd season, since it debuted while I was in Chile. I wish I could say I have been watching it since it first began, but I am still a huge fan and find every year that it gets better and better. I love finding someone new each year to discuss the season with...last year, I introduced Steven to American Idol and know he loves it as well.
I have to say, each year it does get better. However, there are two auditions that really stick out in my mind. One of them was in 2005 (the year Carrie Underwood won). Her name is Mary Roach. Anyone remember her? Well, if you can't remember her or aren't an avid American Idol watcher...please watch below...you should be sitting down for this one!

So funny, you say? Well, there is also another all-time favorite of mine. He actually appeared in the same set of auditions, although Mary and he auditioned at two different places across the country. His name is Leroy Wells. No one actually knows what he's saying half the time, and most figure he was on drugs during his auditions. I'm not sure what was going on with Paula's hairdo either...it is quite strange. Leroy is quite amusing, and he even goes so far as to tell Simon to "put Jesus first"...and that he needs to "get crunk" and start bobbing his head...although he doesn't even know where Simon is sitting at the time (probably b/c the room is spinning in his head)...this one is a must see:

Here's the question..."can YOU dig it"?


Steve said...

I can dig it, I put Jesus first, and I am gonna cry like everyone else. Mary sings like a roach. Love you, babe!

ollie said...

aaaahhhhh... My Tam... how I've missed thee!!!! I'm glad you still find pleasure in the mentally and prescription-drug challenged people in the world!!!

... but WHATEVER!!! (That line was HILARIOUS!!)