01 December 2008


I've been tagged...only one word is allowed in my answers.

Here goes nuttin'...


1. Where is your cell phone?charging

2. Your significant other?asleep

3. Your hair? messy

4. Your mother? prostitute

5. Your father? studying

6. Your favorite thing? shoes

7. Your dream last night? odd

8. Your favorite drink? Pepper

9. Your dream/goal? house

10. The room you're in? guestroom

11. Your fear? poverty

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? mother

13. Where were you last night? shopping

14. What you're not? patient

15. Muffins/donuts? donuts

16. One of your wish list items? toothbrush

17. Where you grew up? KY

18. The last thing you did? Hardee's

19. What are you wearing? bathrobe

20. Your TV?small

21. Your pet? imaginary

22. Your computer? healthy

23. Your life? stressful

24. Your mood? wonderful

25. Missing someone? Marlena

26. Favorite pastime? sewing

27. Something you're not wearing? socks

28. Favorite Store? Wal-Mart

29. Your summer? humind

30. Your favorite color? sage

31. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday

32. Last time you cried? month :)

33. Who will re-post this? friends


34. Four places I go over and over?home, school, restaraunt, crazy

35. Four people who e-mail me? Rachel (grad. instructor), Sherry (principal's secretary), Harold (obsessive parent), Sheila (forwards)

36. Four of my favorite foods? Mexican, salads, garlic bread, Hamburger

37. Four places I would like to be right now? in bed, Chile, Europe, hot tub

38. Four people I tag? Emily, Amber, Shelly (update, please!),Mary


Emily S. said...

a LEEETLE worried about your mom.

But I'm sure she'll get through it. The economy and all that.

:) I'll get this going soon. Promise.

Marlena said...

AWWW...You miss me?? THAT IS SO SWEET!!! No one misses me, I thought..I'm gonna go cry now!!!

Steve said...

I thought I was your pet. Ugh.

Peeser said...

I'm a little baffled by your mother- what is going on that we should know about?! (or maybe we DON'T want to know about it ;)

Stuart Little said...

umm under missing someone..you should have put me

Colton Anne said...

Mother? Prostitute? What!?!?

Anonymous said...

can you email me: mcbratz-girl@hotmail.co.uk, i have some question wanna ask you.thanks