First of all, let me preface by saying that EVERY TIME I want to go on a bit of a vacation or get away for the weekend, I get SICK. Literally. I don't get just a bit of the sniffles, or a bit of a sore throat...I get the WORKS! I mean....stopped up ringing ears, sore & swollen lymph nodes in the throat, clogged up nostrils (and that makes the throat even worse from being forced to breathe out of my mouth), and an achy body. What a mess!!!
But, even with my ailing self, we headed to St. Louis to celebrate Steven's 26th Birthday. Let me say it was very eventful. As you read on...you will see why.
FIRST STOP...temple. Well, since I get up at 5:30am everyday, and yell at my Jr. High kids on a daily basis, getting to the temple on Fridays is always a challenge. This Friday was particularly interesting. School is nearing the end, the kids are ready for summer break...and SO AM I!!! Adding my sickness on top of that...we decided to skip the temple (but don't worry...we're still making our tracks on the heaven-bound route).
FIRST REAL STOP...O'Charleys Restaurant. I had one of the summer specials...a variety of chicken tenders, and fries. Now, I know you're already thinking "Uggghhhh...another girl that just eats Chicken tenders".... but you need to remember a couple of things: #1- I LOVE eating! #2- I usually don't order chicken tenders. #3- these are the BEST chicken tenders in the world! So, having that in mind, the special is 2 original, 2 pretzel coated, & 2 BBQ chipotle tenders, with fries, and a house salad. The chicken was fabulous, the fries were delicious, and the salad was excellent (except for the fact that they are no longer making their own croutons), and the all-you-can eat rolls were amazing (except for the fact that they didn't ever refill out basket! Oh well...I don't need any more rolls attached to my thighs these days! Steven had the 4 mini sandwiches...2 chicken tender sandwiched, and 2 mini burgers w/ fries. All in all...luscious (except for the fact my taste buds weren't the caliber they usually are....bummer!)
SECOND STOP...the Mason Lodge. Steven's sister and her family live in the "attic" of the Masonic Lodge. Yes...the sort-of-religious fraternal order, called the Free Masons. Although no one really talks about what goes on among this special group of men, it is cool to see various symbols and find similarities to my own religious beliefs. I need to research them more, and become more familiar with their doings. The attic/loft where Emily, Joe, and Noah live is a piece of art, literally. Emily has the coolest decorating style EVER. Tons of knick-knacks laying around, and my eyes were kept busy the entire time; finding new things in new corners. They were out of town, but graciously let us enjoy their home for the evening (gracias, Em!). We enjoyed watching
Nacho Libre, while I didn't enjoy trying to get some rest w/ both nostrils stopped up and not being in my own bed (although the pull-out bed is amazingly cozy).
THIRD STOP...Einstein's bagel shop for breakfast! Always a favorite. Need I say more? I had a toasted Sundried Tomato bagel w/ Onion & Chive spread, and Steven had the Cinnamon Raisin & Sugar bagel, toasted, with Honey Almond spread. We enjoyed two glasses of icy Coca Cola's with our hearty breakfasts.
FOURTH STOP...MetroLink train, a common St. Louis ride. We took the Metro to Union Station, and spent about 45 minutes walking around, killing time before our final destination. From being sick, I need some chapstick. We found a general store in the mall, and bought some chapstick. My lips were in
heaven. I was feeling so good at that moment, that I went to throw the wrapper in the trash and ended up letting go of the lid with the paper. Steven (even on his own birthday) ended up digging through the trash to find my Chapstick lid. What a good man!
FINAL DESTINATION...Busch Stadium! We watched the St. Louis Cardinals play the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. What excitement...even though I went through an entire box of lotion-filled Puffs, it was worth it to see my hubby get so riled up, and so excited when the Cardinals finally won...after going into the 10th inning b/c of a tie game, and a home run by Ryan Ludwick at the bottom of the 10th inning. I could have done without a certain crowd of drunk folks who became pretty annoying shouting and screaming (sometimes honking) at whoever was up to bat. But, being in the stadium, enjoying a pretzel w/cheese, hot dog w/ mustard & relish, and an icy Coca Cola with my hubby was well worth the runny/snotty nose. No, we didn't make the kiss cam, no we didn't have box seats, but we were in the shade with nice sunny weather, a cool breeze, and a great view.
Steven's Birthday weekend couldn't have been any better (unless I could take away the being sick parts). Other than that, St. Louis treated us well, and we enjoyed being together. Enjoy the pics from out trip.

above: This was the view from our seats...pretty good, I'd say!
below: Alberto Pujols. Don't know much about the man, really. I DO know he's from the Republica Dominicana, so that means we have something in common...hablamos espaƱol. I think that's cool. He is famous for hitting home runs, and for being so young. He has a perfect batting stance, take a look below. WOW! What a sight!