12 August 2010

Get two beers and Jump!

If you watch Jimmy Fallon's late night show, you'd know what I was referring to in the title of this post.

Yes, that is what I've occupied my time with this summer...tv shows (a lot of them!).

On Tuesday night, he sang a song about the Jet Blue man...you know the famous STEVE SLATER they are all talking about.  If you don't watch the news...and don't pay attention to Hollywood gossip much, you may have to Google this one.

Basically, this guy has become a hero, overnight.  A hero for...what?  He was a flight attendant (did he get fired YET?), who got angry, yelled a few obscene things over the PA system, grabbed 2 beers, and exited out the emergency exit of the plane...after 28 years of working for the plane company.

My view of the situation...HILARIOUS!  Have you seen this Steve guy anyway?  U.G.L.Y.  I mean, I'm sure he'll get a free makeover out of this, and he'll have a reality show before you know it.  This guy is set for life...no more jobs for him.  He'll retire in riches, and I'll still be punching the clock, so to speak.

Anyway, back to Jimmy Fallon.  He sang a song called "Grab two beers and jump"...this was the 2nd song, that I could find on You Tube.  He did a different one on Tuesday, but can't find it anywhere.  See for yourself...it will crack you up!

Personally, my two favorite lines are:

"When people with ugly feet wear flip flops you gotta get two beers & jump"

& the best of all...

"When somebody tells you what happened on Jersey Shore you gotta get two beers & jump"

What is your favorite "annoyance"
...you can use one of Jimmy's line, or just make up your own!

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