27 March 2010

HUGE decision

The time has finally come for Steven & I to consider buying a home.

We've been renting the entire time we've been married.

The perks...The things we're looking forward to:

1. A garage
It will be SO NICE not to have to scrape our windows all the time. It will be nice not to have to go outside in the skivies to start my car 5 minutes before leaving for work, just to warm up the car. It will be nice not to worry about people breaking into your vehicle overnight, and not having a way to get to work the next morning. It will be ESPECIALLY nice not to be angry when I come home & find that someone has stolen my parking space!

2. Rent will be the same every month.
As renters, you never know whether rent will increase from year to year.

3. We will have a place of our OWN.
A place not to hear neighbors going up and down the stairs. A place where when the neighbors turn on the water, it doesn't affect MY water temperature when I'm in the shower.

4. $8.000 first-time home buyer credit.

There are several other reasons why owning would be nice. But, then again...there are also the duties one has to take on when you own a home.

'Nuff said. UGH!

2. If something breaks, you have to fix it, or call someone to fix it.

3. Upkeep of the house.
Painting, replacing things. And being extra careful to take care of things, so you can resell it a bit easier in the end.

4. LARGE monthly payments.

So...that's what Steven & I have been up to lately. If you want to see the house we are considering currently, click HERE.

What do you think?


ollie said...

It's a way cute house! We still rent too. 9 1/2 years of marriage and 2 kids and still in an apartment. ugh. BUT, I love the perks of renting too. Our rent has never gone up and it's super duper cheap. I say as long as you plan on living in that house at least 5 years and you can afford it, go for it! Congrats on the big step!

Mrs. Boojwa said...

I do not look forward to the pain in the butt of buying a house. I do, however, enjoy the perks of living on a military base. Mainly because a lot of your cons were not cons for me :-) we have free maintenance, landscape care (for anything unfenced), and best of all, we don't have to worry about reselling. I did tell Ty we ought to pay attention to real estate and look into it so that when we actually do retire, we won't get shafted bc by then we'll know what we want and how to get it.

Peeser said...

I say, go for it! Yeah, there are some drawbacks, but if you feel like this is where you're going to be for at least a few years, the perks are worth it! I would love to buy a house (especially to take advantage of that tax credit), but I'm not certain that Indy/Carmel is where I plan to be in even three years... I definitely want the space to spread out a little bit, but I don't want to buy until I am a little more certain as to where I'd like to settle for the next 5-10 years of my life.

Good luck! (I think the house is cute! It just needs a few trees planted in the yard- not too many, though, or you'll be raking leaves 'til kingdom comes! :)