13 February 2010

- From then 'til now -

From wonderful parents

to six sisters

and Superman...

From Ruby Tuesday workdays

to Journalism (a REAL job)...

From funny faces

of your former "single" days...

To Russia to serve a 2 year mission for the LDS church...

From watching Sports

to attempting to play them....

then back to only becoming a crazy & dedicated fan....

From big appetites

and crazy voices

to one LONG float trip in the Singles Ward

(can you see me?)

All the way to find ME...

who'd been from college in Idaho

to Student teach in Las Vegas

From a mission in Chile

all the way to mid-Missouri to find YOU.

From dating

to engagement

to the temple

We were destined to find each other.

No matter how crazy our pasts (stretch pants for me, Star Trek uniforms for you)

I'm glad we did what we did.

All of it lead to us finding each other.

Steven, I love you.

Happy Valentine's Day!


K.M.L said...

Awwwww!!! So cute! Happy Heart Day!

Steve said...

Babe, thank you for the delightfully awesome post. I love you so much- thank you for the last three and a half wonderful years!

Peeser said...

That was simply beautiful. I love it, Tamara. (You did forget to tell us more about YOUR fun, crazy family, but I'll let it slide, chica ;) Thank you for being such a patiend addition to the Lambson insanity! (And now I *really* want to know what Steven got you for V-Day... care to share?)

ollie said...

That was a really sweet post Tam! It was so sweet it almost made me want to do one for Shane and I. Almost. I hope you print or save all of these posts on here. This was a great one!

Mrs. Boojwa said...

Cute :) thanks for sharing! This was fun!

Colton Anne said...

That was cute! Hope you guys had a great day!

Reggs said...

OMG, are you kidding?? This was the sweetest and coolest love blog post I've ever seen!! Happy love day to you two lovers.
BTW what in THEEE world is Steven eating in that one picture? It LOOKS like a fake hamburger?

Tamara said...

yes, girl....it was something crazy we found out at DOLLAR store. Every Christmas, we go to the dollar store and we each get $2 to spend on the other person....one serious gift and one gag gift. WELL, that particular year, that was his gag gift! It was a huge gummy hamburger!!! That is his favorite food. It was so disgusting looking!!! But whatever...it was so hilarious!!!

Sarah Lambson said...

Okay, I know this was posted forever ago, but I LOVE this post! You are awesome and I am really glad that you and my brother fell in love so I can have an awesome sister-in-law!

Unknown said...

Absolutely precious! I love the way you did this. Gives me an idea...