21 February 2010

Shout out by Tamara at 2/21/2010 02:14:00 PM 7 holla back(s)
13 February 2010
- From then 'til now -
to six sisters
and Superman...
From Ruby Tuesday workdays
to Journalism (a REAL job)...
From funny faces
of your former "single" days...
To Russia to serve a 2 year mission for the LDS church...
From watching Sports
to attempting to play them....
then back to only becoming a crazy & dedicated fan....
From big appetites
and crazy voices
to one LONG float trip in the Singles Ward
(can you see me?)
All the way to find ME...
who'd been from college in Idaho
to Student teach in Las Vegas
From a mission in Chile
all the way to mid-Missouri to find YOU.
From dating
to engagement
to the temple
We were destined to find each other.
No matter how crazy our pasts (stretch pants for me, Star Trek uniforms for you)
I'm glad we did what we did.
All of it lead to us finding each other.
Steven, I love you.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Shout out by Tamara at 2/13/2010 01:10:00 PM 10 holla back(s)
05 February 2010
Shout out by Tamara at 2/05/2010 03:42:00 PM 0 holla back(s)