04 September 2011
30 Days of Truth: Day 16
Shout out by Tamara at 9/04/2011 08:00:00 AM 1 holla back(s)
03 September 2011
30 Days of Truth: Day 15
Day 15: Something or Someone you can't live without, because you've tried living without it.
Two answers come to mind quickly: Steven & caffeine.
STEVEN tried getting rid of me once. I didn't give up, and I held on and kept praying. I just didn't *want* to live without him. What can I say...I guess I'm in ♥ love ♥
CAFFEINE I've gotten rid of once, and that was when I was in the MTC for 9 weeks. It was not by choice that I gave it up...it was b/c there was not any to consume. I knew that was the case, and when I got my mission call to serve in Chile, I tried giving up cold turkey. Every time I'd try I wouldn't last 3 days until I had a migraine SO. BAD. that I couldn't take it any long...just once sip of Dew & it was G.O.N.E. I was seriously addicted!!! Then, when I got to Chile I drank Coca Cola every now and then...definitely not daily, but enough to quench my thirst. What can I say...I just enjoy an ice cold beverage once in a while. It's not that I HAVE TO have the caffeine. I like Sunquist. I like Sprite on occasion...but that's about it for the non-caffeine beverages. Of the ones w/ caffeine, I really like a variety...Dr. Pepper (especially at Sonic), Mountain Dew (Taco Bell), Coke (at McDonald's), Pepsi, Diet Coke (at Sonic), Cherry Coke (another Sonic favorite...just b/c they put real cherry juice in it!!!), etc. I think I probably AM addicted, but more than that...I really ENJOY the taste. It makes my day when things just haven't gone so good. Ahhhhh....so refreshing!!!!
Shout out by Tamara at 9/03/2011 08:00:00 AM 3 holla back(s)
02 September 2011
30 Days of Truth: Day 14
Day 14: A hero who has let me down (write a letter)
Dear hero-
You don't even exist. I don't even *have* a hero, really. Never really has. And even if you DID exist, I guess you didn't really let me down since I can't even remember you. Thanks for nothing. Thanks for everything. And thanks for giving me something dumb to blog about.
(hey- at least I didn't SKIP IT like some have....)
Shout out by Tamara at 9/02/2011 07:39:00 PM 2 holla back(s)